On behalf of the Scientific and Local Organising Committees, we are delighted to announce that the 15th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting will be held in Cremona, Italy from 11th to 13th September 2024. Workshops and project meetings are scheduled for the pre-conference day, 10th September.
We are also thrilled to announce the new two-and-a-half-day conference format that allows for poster and early career dedicated sessions, several keynotes and parallel sessions, and overall plenty of opportunities to engage and network with fellow EUSPR members.
The chosen venue is the Catholic University’s Santa Monica campus, in Cremona city centre (see the location on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/WugCwfxTAwin9u7D7).
Our theme this year is ‘Prevention in and with Communities’ and our keynotes and special sessions will focus on discussing the challenges and opportunities for prevention science when working in and with community settings and systems.
The goal of the conference is to connect research with practical needs of communities, discuss pros and cons of different approaches to prevention in and with community settings, as well as opportunities and challenges of developing, implementing and evaluating evidence-based community-level prevention programmes and systems. We also want to discuss how to support prevention workforce communities, create stronger links between research, education, and practice as well as raise the quality of education and training of prevention scientists and practitioners in Europe.
The conference will be mainly in person, but we will provide an option for delegates to participate online.
More information regarding registration, abstract submission deadline, formats & guidelines will be made available very soon on our EUSPR website.
Please, forward this announcement to your professional networks. We on the local organising committee look forward to welcoming you to Cremona!
On behalf of the scientific and local organising committee,
Elena Marta, Giovanni Aresi, Maura Pozzi, Daniela Marzana, Adriano Ellena, Valentina Ferrari and Daniela Poli Martinelli (Local Organising Committee) and Samuel Tomczyk (Scientific Committee)
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