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As a new thematic group within the Association of Italian Psychology (AIP) we are pleased to announce the first scientific meeting of the thematic group on “Psychology, Art and Neuroaesthetics”

Keynote speakers:

Marcos Nadal (Universidad de las Islas Baleares)

Elvira Brattico (Aarhus University & University of Bari).

The event will take place on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 June 2023 at the University of Bergamo (Italy). Presentations will be in English. We are also pleased to announce that there will be a parallel event on the late afternoon of Friday and Saturday (not overlapping with the scientific meeting), sponsored by the University of Bergamo. The event is open to the public, who will meet artists and scientists, and take part in interactive demonstrations and performances.

Registration is free, but required. To register, please use this link:


Note that there is limited capacity, registration thus works on a first come first serve basis.

We also welcome you to submit an abstract (300 words limit) to: pan.gruppo.aip@gmail.com

All abstracts will be reviewed. Please indicate whether you are asking for a talk or a poster. The deadline for abstract submission is April 10th. Registration and abstract submission are two separate steps, so please submit only after registration.

The event is sponsored by the Italian Association of Psychology (https://www.aipass.org) and by the University of Bergamo (https://en.unibg.it).

Marco Bertamini, Zaira Cattaneo, and the PAN Committee