The Cognitive Neuroscience Department hosts 6 research labs that study the neuronal bases of time and magnitude processing (Domenica Bueti), visual perception (Davide Zoccolan), motivation and intelligence (Raffaella Rumiati), language and reading (Davide Crepaldi), tactile perception and learning (Mathew Diamond), and neural computation (Alessandro Treves). The Department is highly inter–disciplinary; our approaches include behavioural, psychophysics, and neurophysiological experiments with humans and animals, as well as computational and mathematical models. Students with diverse backgrounds (physics, math, medicine, psychology, biology) are most welcome to apply.
The Department has an exceptional track record with highly competitive funds (recent funding includes 4 ERC and 3 Human Frontiers grants) and publication in top journals (Nature, Science, PNAS, Current Biology).
More information about the Department is available at our website
The selection procedure is now open; to learn how to apply, please visit
Please contact the PhD Coordinator ( <>) and/or your prospective supervisor for more information and informal enquiries.
Davide Crepaldi
via Bonomea 265
34136, Trieste
Head of the Language, Learning and Reading lab <>
Coordinator of the Cognitive Neuroscience PhD <>
Associate Editor at the British Journal of Psychology
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