“Diversity and inclusion at work takes into account global demographic trends and changes, and is becoming a key issue for scholars and organizations (e.g., Adamson et al., 2021). In line with previous papers published in Psicologia sociale – Social Psychology Theory & Research, that specifically address diversity in different contexts (e.g. Tarò, 2022; Taylor & Fasoli, 2022), this Special Issue aims to attract contributions that address various work-related aspects of diversity and/or inclusion. To submit the paper, please send your manuscript with the online platform https://submission.rivisteweb.it/index.php/ps.” The call is open to reviews, meta-analyses, and empirical studies conducted using diverse research designs and methods (e.g., experimental and/or correlational and/or qualitative methods) on topics such as (but not limited to):

  • diversity (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and physical or mental disability) in relation to attitudes towards work and aspects of well-being;
  • intersectional aspects of diversity and workplace effects;
  • the relationship between the climate and culture of diversity and work-related outcomes (e.g., well-being, motivation, commitment, performance);
  • the enabling and hindering factors of an inclusive organizational context;
  • inclusive policies and practices at work.”

#diversity #inclusion #well-being #motivation #commitment #performance #workandorganizationalpsychology

Scadenza: 30 settembre 2023

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