Check out the newest JPS How Ideas Travel Podcast: Season 2, Episode 1: Positioning
Developmental Psychology in Latin America
The How Ideas Travel Podcast presents personally intellectual stories of how ideas develop across generations. Highlighting the international mission of JPS, How Ideas Travel (HIT2) is devoted to Positioning Developmental Psychology. HIT2 highlights local values of active human development researchers working in different regions of the world, from different positions within those regions. This decolonial shift considers urgent concerns and priorities of scholars in South America: Alicia Barreiro (Argentina), Maria Loreto Martinez (Chile), Andres Molano (Colombia), Susana Frisancho (Peru), and Alejandro Vasquez (Uruguay).
You can also hear Season One (HIT1) Interviews with former students of Piaget and currently active scholars: Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont & Cintia Rodriguez. Members have access to the HIT Curriculum Pages.
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