Dear Participant to the Naples conference (4-6 October 2019): “From HATE to HOPE…”, first of all we will thank all of you for the significant contribution that you gave to the success of our conference.
Considering the important topics that we introduced with a psychological vision and considering such contribution a great value to the enhancement of literature on migration issues, we will ask you to prepare an article referred more or less to the research you presented at the conference.
The article should be of max 6000 words and thanks to Joe Ferrari it will be published in two special issues of JPIC, (Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community) directed by Joe Ferrari.
Keep in mind that: “All papers must be original research. NO REVIEW papers and NO Theory only papers = they must be some studies”. One issue will be focused on MIGRATION TROUBLES and the other one HOPE and HEALING.
If you agree to disseminate the results of your studies in one of these two issues,please send an email to
caterina.arcidiacono@unina.itgiving your acceptance of the proposal and submitting the title, together with affiliations and authors reference until the 25th of January 2020.
The article should be received by 30 March 2020.
The issues will be published around 2022 and 2023.
Immediately after the 25th of January we will let you have more information concerning your proposal and the publications we are organising.
Best regards and Happy new year
on behalf of the organising committee of the Naples conference
Caterina Arcidiacono
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